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Participate and you will reveal! Funny name, real interests. Is there anything to it or is it just hot air? How To Play Chess. Please challenge him if you are above 1800.
Classify and you will reveal! Funny name, real passions. Caro-Kann Innovation I am testing out a new way to play the Caro-Kann, alongside with my chess coach, and i will be posting games and theories here. If anyone would like to help or take part in this discussion, I would be grateful, thanx. v glorioso12 a new way of. Here is a game! How does this work? Why do you play chess? You like to be.
Vote and you will gain! Strange name, real hobbies. Wed, 21 Feb 2018. Who is interested to play? Fri, 16 Feb 2018.
Share and you will reveal! Quirky name, real matters. Sign up now to play backgammon online for FREE! Wed, 10 Jan 2018. Should i study openings? Mon, 8 Jan 2018. Sat, 6 Jan 2018. Wed, 3 Jan 2018. JUST FOR FUN WOULD YOU - care to answer this one? WHAT would you give to play as great as WHICH great player? I will start. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. I would give up a thousand shopping trips at my favorite mall to play as great as AKIBA RUBINSTEIN! Hmmm There are.
Divide and you will reveal! Funny name, real matters. The Social Stigma of Playing Chess ? I was talking to someone today, and thought maybe it makes a thread topic. how is the Chess activity in your area? Do you have a club? Let me know how the Chess activity is for you . Have you been playing any tournaments or clubbing around at all this year? When it appears the game is lost should the loser withdraw or continue? .
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